The question: Is it prettier to wear or display?

This Charlotte's Web shawl in Koigu is so spectacular on the wall at Three Bags Full, my LYS. Purples and oranges playing off each other. It is even lovelier to view at the store. I wondered, would it be less beautiful when worn? or more?
I'm going to calculate the cost just to ruin the fun. Stay tuned.
I watched another KNITTY GRITTY episode today. The woman who wrote the Hooray For Me Fingerless glove pattern was featured. She taught the viewers how to make her glove. I learned a few things. I didn't know if you cast off in rib your stockinette edge won't roll. I learned how she knit in the round on two needles. I would have to watch it again, when I was knitting myself, to really feel like I could do it. I liked how they used bigger needles and yarn for teaching so you could really see what the knitter was doing. In short, the second show impressed me more than the first. I'll tune in again........
My alpaca vest is finished with the pocket seaming. My LYS finishers tell me they only have to put the zipper in and it will be done! I'll show it to you as soon as they say it is finished. I'm hoping by March. Still plenty of cold weather to go then. Maybe the alpaca will help me find a way to tolerate the March weather here.
I'm going to try to like March this year......
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As it has been a while since I was at 3 Bags I am unsure of the price per skein.
There is a new book out that also has the pattern and a number of other patterns all for Koigu. It is by the woman who began Koigu.