Knittin' in the Round

I know some say knitting is the process, but
to me, knitting is also, very much, the end result.
Hence my return to knitting in the round.

I'm not going to be disappointed. I'm not going to feel badly
about the money spent. Top down raglans just make sense
to me. I save money because I don't have to pay anyone
to finish for me. Someday I'll learn to seam well. (maybe!)

The cream and blue yarn is Jaeger Extra Fine Merino Chunky.

Someday I'll learn to think spacially. Right now,
I'm just going round and round and round.

Maybe this is why I cannot seem to get donuts off my mind.
Bagels too for that matter. Pizza.......chocolate pie...

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Beth said…
Pat K said…
Peanut butter cups...
Karen said…
Oreos . . . and quesadillas!!
Dorothy said…
Snickerdoodles! No need to feel apologetic - the sweater is lovely and I love not having finishing to do too!
Lucia said…
Chocolate-chip cookies... chocolate cake... a bowl of chocolate ice cream...

You can tell where my thoughts are. Oh, and the sweater is looking great! I wish I could wear raglans without looking like a Playskool person.
Ling said…
I love self finishing garments too! But can't write much now, must go eat...... (all these yummy foods!)
knititch said…
oh yes knitting is very much the product as well. knitting isn't very much fun really but the products are so nice.
and knitting prevents you or can prevent you from all sorts of things that are not good for you.... :-))

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