Posting pause

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Sorry for the pause in posts. I am very thankful for my knitting these days. Al finished the toddler sweater. It is a gem. I'm still just churning out socks, slow but sure.....
current image issues with computer. Hope all are well in your knitting homes.


glad to you you're ok.
Anonymous said…
I've missed you!! Hope all is well and that you had a very nice Thanksgiving with your family.
Birdsong said…
I was wondering... hope you are having a relaxing holiday weekend. I truly understand about the computer issues, have a new computer to replace the old one that died, but I still need to get an photo-fix-up program on it.
Karen said…
Good to see you back. I hope everything has been okay over there. And that your Thanksgiving was wonderful!!
Beverly said…
Checking in on you. Glad you've got your knitting to keep you company and hope all is well.

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