She's got my Number

Lynne from was my Colorswap Partner for the final month of Red/Pink. Why participate in a yarn swap?

#1. Lynne's swap was easy. You could choose which months and colors you wanted to be in. I think I did yellow, blues and now red/pinks. Al did purple. We had 4 great experiences. From Portland to New York.

#2. I received yarns I have never seen around here before. Fun.

#3. I received CHOCOLATES I have never seen around here before.
In light of the Fannie may and Frango Mint debacles around here, this helped the healing. I love See's candies. OUTSTANDING.

#4. I got to know some fun bloggers. This perhaps, the best part. Well, the chocolate is hard to top!

#5. I am a mail checker. I LOVE to get stuff other than bills in the mail.

#6. There was a reasonable money to spent limit.

and on and on.

Lynne was my swap partner and she overdid it! I love everything she sent.
She clearly exceeded the reasonable limit.

She sent some incredible mohair/wool yarn from Laughing Lizard in wonderful colors.
Some great KARA soy/wool in a great pink with some bluish hues.
A coffee mug that is Divine: Mercy Peace and Love be yours in abundance are the words on the cup. How lovely to read that each day.
She put it in the cutest hat box, with a pink measuring tape, pink pen, pink notepad, pink candle, pink ribbon that is soooooo sparkly for the holidays!, and strawberry rhubarb jam. Oh, and some nail polish that is red and bright and cheerful and I will be painting the nails anytime now.

But she also sewed this sweet sweet apron for me. I am currently in a baking mood, but I do not think I could really wear this and actually chance ruining it.
I have an apron from a Chicago Bulls game that is predominantly plastic, and that was it!

So here's to Lynne who organized many swaps this year. She's an incredible lady and I've never even met her. There are some wonderful things about this communication leap called the internet. Head over to her blog and just enjoy the ride.

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Anonymous said…
You make me blush. I hope you and Al loved every little thing!
Susan said…
Lynne did a wonderful job with that -- everything in that hat box is just fabulous. And that is your new post-Locks of Love hair, yes? I love it!!
Alyssa said…
What a wonderful package! And, yes, See's Candy is the absolute best.
Donna Boucher said…
What a darling apron!!!
And a darling model :o)

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