Felted but not Finished

I give you the crocheted bag, before and after felting. I know it is a bit kittywampus yet. The handles are goofy. Help. Suggestions please. The flower will get a center button perhaps today.

It is for a animal shelter's Golden Paw silent auction. I had visions of blanket stitch edging...I should have done that prefelting. I would break a finger trying to do that now that it is felted.

I also imagined paw prints on it. Didn't seem right once felted.
Al and I thought I could felt some swatches, then cut a dog bone shape out and attatch it to the purse.

None of this seemed feasible to me yesterday. So today it is a bag with a flower and floppy handles....

Your ideas are most welcome.....someone has to bid on it afterall!

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Anonymous said…
In my crazy quilt bag class we learned to fold and sew the middle section of the handles in half to provide a better spot for gripping. It also made them more sturdy. If the felted fabric is too thick to fold and sew, perhaps you could bind it tightly with yarn?
Beverly said…
Not to worry I'm sure you'll get plenty of bids. You can use and ice pick to punch holes. Just be careful that you don't make them to large because there's no going back. This will help of you still want to do the blanket stitching.
Birdsong said…
Sarah's idea about the handles is a good one - don't forget that there is nothing from stopping your sewing on fabric cutouts with sewing thread for embellishment - fake fur fabric would make some cool-looking paws! Also, you can re-wet and re-shape felted things, just like blocking a regular knit, but might need to really soak and heavily pin to get a different shape. I think this turned out great!
monica said…
I think the bag turned out great and agree it will get plenty of bids. I love the color.
Rhonda said…
The bag looks great. I'm doing one for the store I knit for right now I hope to have it done before next weekend. You'll have to check it out. I also left a sock pic for you, hope you like it.
Anonymous said…
Love the bag, Kathy. Should bring on great bids!!!!!

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