500 yards of Mohair/Wool from Brown Sheep

That is what the lucky reader will get after my 500th post. Simply send me a comment with the words five and hundred or 5 and 100 in any ole'way your heart desires and you will be entered. I started accepting entries yesterday. Glad to see Sarah (handknitter), Alyssa, (Wordsnwool) and Karen G. have all gotten in on the contest. C'mon lurkers. C'mon all my regular buddies too! I love all the support you give me.

If you don't have a blog, that is fine too! Just leave me your name and email me your email address if you are uncomfortable leaving it in a comment.

I am a sucker for Mohair blends....they add a beauty that is unmatched, I think.

My mother has the a/c on so high that my father has asked me to knit him a night cap. His bald head is freezing! I hope to finish it tonight. I put the wool by the fountain for the photo today to cool myself off just looking at it. Summer, summer, beats March around here anyday!

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Sarah said…
I totally gotta be the 500th poster!!! ;)

sbridger3 at cox dot net
Marcia said…
I'm giving you a "high five" for hanging in there so long with your blog....and it's a very fun read!

And I love the bunny pictures! That little bunny is one hundred percent cute!
Agnes said…
Oh my! I love mohair too! I just wish these 500 yards of mohair will become mine!
Anonymous said…
From the first night we met, I have ready your blog,You easily have written many more than 5 times 500 words there.
Also, do you realize, that Group is a 5 letter word?
I have never seen or even touched 500 yeards of mohair much less had any thoughts that one day I might actually have some,
As for that cute bunny, if you aren't careful there could one day be 5 to 500 of them in your neighborhood !

Donna Boucher said…
I am the fifth person to comment on your blog about 500 posts!

Congrats on the great milestone :o)
Pat K said…
Whether it's five posts or a hundred posts or five hundred posts, it's still fun to read. Now, five hundred bunny rabbits would indeed be a lot of fun. I'd love to see that picture. Congratulations on achieving the great 500.
--Deb said…
I'm so glad to take this opportunity to wish you happy blogiversary (well, it IS . . . a landmark anyway). I hope you have at least a hundred more!

I'm so glad to take this opportunity to wish you happy blogiversary (well, it IS . . . a landmark anyway). I hope you have at least a hundred more!

I'm so glad to take this opportunity to wish you happy blogiversary (well, it IS . . . a landmark anyway). I hope you have at least a hundred more!

I'm so glad to take this opportunity to wish you happy blogiversary (well, it IS . . . a landmark anyway). I hope you have at least a hundred more!

I'm so glad to take this opportunity to wish you happy blogiversary (well, it IS . . . a landmark anyway). I hope you have at least a hundred more!

(See, I wished it so sincerely, I wished it five times!)
Wannabe said…
Happy Blogiversary! I hope the prize will be 5 hanks of 100 grams of luxurious fiber! :)
AsKatKnits said…
Your blog is wonderful to read, I enjoy it daily. You share such great ideas and inspiration - and you make me laugh! Whether I am #5, #500, or somewhere in between - your's is a blog that I will read daily! Thanks for sharing! BTW, that Lamb's Pride felts beautifully - slipper season is right around the corner (unfortunately!)

Have a great day!
Beverly said…
Congrats on the upcoming 500. I'm imagining 100 ways to use the 5 lucious colors of Handpaint Originals. Beautiful color selections.

I used it with Nature Spun Worsted for the Mohair Ballet slippers last year.
Ling said…
Wow, 500 posts - what a milestone. And 500 yards of beautiful fiber - what a prize!

I have really enjoyed reading your posts. Hope there is at least 500 more.
Allison said…
It feels like it's over one hundred degrees outside, so instead of sending up a giant bouquet of 500 helium balloons, I'll celebrate your 500th post indoors with a toast of at least five popsicles :) Congratulations!
monica said…
Well, it is about 500 degress here I think that is with the heat index factored in. I am looking forward to temperatures low enough to knit up 500 yds of mohair
Birdsong said…
Wow, that multi-color mohair blend has all five of my favorite colors: blue, green violet, brown, sage, and dusky purple. If I live to be a hundred, I still won't get to knit all the ideas in my head, but this batch of yarn would surely give me plenty of inspiration. How exciting to reach your 500th post!
Beth said…
I'm not a mohair fan so I'm refraining from using any of those key words! But boy that's a nice prize - they all coordinate so well. The winner will be able to make something gorgeous from it.

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