My Mom in her Mother's Day shawlette

I had a great Mother's Day with my own Mom. She is such a gift in my life. She loved the yellow Koigu used for the little shawl. We had Barnaby's pizza and cheesecake. No cookin! I showed her my latest knit project, and she thinks it will look great. So, no more ambivalence about it, I'm knitting ahead with the Blue Heron Mossy.

I miss my Al! She is volunteering at Habitat for Humanity this week. She gave me a great gift, besides being her mom, the Knitted Embellishments book. I may have to wait until she's back to brave any of it!

Hope you all enjoyed the day, honoring our mothers here and gone before us.

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Karen said…
The shawl looks perfect . . . and *almost* as gorgeous as your mom!!! Happy Mother's Day!
Anonymous said…
The shawl looks beautiful! I'm sure you had a wonderful day with your Mom. Sorry Al couldn't be there with the two of you--that would have been perfect.
Anonymous said…
Your mom is really cute. Aren't moms the best things ever?
Anonymous said…
Your mom looks lovely in her shawlette. The color is very pretty. Lucky mom and lucky daughter.
Anonymous said…
The shawl looks really lovely. Nice photos. Sounds like you had a great day.
Bernadette said…
The shawlette looks very pretty!I'm sure your mom was was very happy with such a lovely gift!

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