How Does the Crochet Garden Grow?

Ask not for whom it grows for, it grows for you.
Ask not what your crochet garden can do for you, ask what you can do for your crochet garden.
Ask Susie at 3Bags Full in Northbrook who did her HOMEWORK before the class. (Me!)
Ask me what I am going to do with my flowers? I won't tell! But I'll show you soon.


Katherine said…
So pretty! I haven't done any crocheting in a long time, but it would be worth starting again just to make pretty flowers.
Karen said…
They are so lovely. Can't wait to see who or what they are for!!
Anonymous said…
Just beautiful Kathy!!!!!
Agnes said…
Oh these are really lovely! Will the garden keep growing? ;)
Alyssa said…
That is one gorgeous garden:)
Bernadette said…
OOOOO! Such pretty flowers, in pretty colors! Aren't they fun to make? Tiny little satisfying projects, each one!

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