A Personal Best

I served jury duty today in downtown Chicago. This allowed me to knit on the train, knit in the waiting room, knit at lunch and knit on the trainride home. I went through an entire skein of Koigu from Elizabeth my swap partner. 175 yards in a day. I know that's a record for me.

I wanted a summer shawl for chilly dining and cool mornings on the back porch. The bandanna scarf I had made in the past from Interweave's editors' scarf picks, was easy and is still a favorite of mine. I needed a jury duty jitters project:
something pretty foolproof. Something that wouldn't interfere with my mantra: Don't CALL NUMBER 49! Don't call NUMBER 49, oh please oh please oh please. So I am making the shawl size instead of the bandanna size of that pattern. It involves a shamefully easy border around stockinette stitch.

I knitted under the Picasso during the hour and a half lunch break. Hour and a half ......who knew lunch could be leisurely? An hour and a half is enough time for a wedding reception, let alone a little lunch. Do people downtown really take long lunches like that? I cannot imagine. Really do they?

At any rate, I have this craving for Bread and Butter corn on the cob after looking at the Koigu all day. That's an incredible compliment to the yarn color, coming from a gal in the Corn Belt. Too bad, I'll have to wait for the taste of it, the corn crop is just being planted this week. Ahhh, but it is worth the wait. I can taste it, so sweet no butter is even needed. But, what the heck........

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Irisheyes Lynn said…
What a beautiful color! 175 yards knitted up in one day is amazing.
Karen said…
Ooooh, I love that yarn!! It looks so soft and pretty. I can't believe you knit all that in one day . . . maybe there is an upside to jury duty. (Pea has to go May 1 . . . should I try to teach him to knit?? LOL) I'm so glad you didn't get picked though - I bet they wouldn't let you knit DURING the trial. Yum, I can't wait for summer corn too. Have a happy Easter!
Bernadette said…
The Koigu IS beautiful - that will be a great shawl for those breezy days when you don't want a sweater, but need something to throw over your shoulders in the evening (sitting and knitting on the porch, maybe?) Although it is chilly and rainy here today (in the NYC northern burbs) they are promising us a lovely weekend. Hope you have a wonderful, beautiful Easter weekend as well! :)
Anonymous said…
I was just using a shawl yesterday (it was a rainy day) to keep my shoulders warm and youa re so right, your shawl is going to be so useful and pretty too in that yellow.

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