Madelon's afgan for your pleasure

What? Madelon again? Whose blog is this anyway?

Aren't I lucky to have great friends who let me post their knitting? Madelon used Equinox Stripe by Nashua handknits. It runs around 19.00 a skein. Madelon used at least 8 for her great afgan. I think it looks so pretty on model Adrianna. Adrianna didn't skip a beat helping her customer while I draped the afgan around her and took some shots.

Does anyone know where NaiveKnitter's blog went?

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Karen said…
What a beautiful afghan. I reminds me of the ones my grandmother used it knit. Of course, she only used acrylic, but she had a way of working that Red Heart into something spectacular!! (She would certainly call me a "yarn snob" if she were here now!!)
Bernadette said…
Absolutely gorgeous! Must be very warm and cozy, too! ...And way out of my budget, sadly. :(

Question: If it's wool, does she dry clean it? I can't imagine trying to hand wash something that big!

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