Irish Designs

Happy St. Patricks Day .....
(you say: and the rest of the day to yourself!)

Here are the gowns in the Bridal Window in town showing their best Greens. Al and I are going to be looking at necklines and designing the rest of my summer shell today. I was going to go to my LYS today for help, but Al says to pay her and she'll focus on it and write the rest of the pattern! Leave it to Al to call the green to her on St. Paddy's day.

Everything Al is working on these days has a provisional cast-on. She says the best explanation for her, was in Knitting on the Edge in their index. She's usually an Interweave fan for directions, but for this particular technique, the Edge book made it clearest.

The owl prowl the other night was very fun! Our guide Jerry Garden, from the Chicago Botanic Gardens called a screech owl close enough for us all to hear it call back. It was cold, but my alpaca scarf and felted Malabrigo hat kept the chill off for the first hour and a half. Strangely exhilarating to be on the beach in the dark night with a full moon trying to come through the cloudcover. His taperecording of the call was like an eery horsewhinney.

I have to wish Lynne of I Was Knit Together in my Mother's Womb a very happy birthday, and may she be in heaven a half an hour before the devil knows she's dead.


Jane said…
A very happy St. Paddy's Day to 'ye!

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