Day #3, Oberweis knits

Today's knit photo is brought to you by: A reluctant Diana at my local ice cream store. Chicago Jen played along and suggested the location in a recent comment.
Diana claimed she is too fat to be in a photo. I told her she absolutely was not fat and was a very pretty girl. She giggled then. She giggled more when I showed her the digital with the yarn covering her face. It is such a shame that so many girls think they are fat.

The knit is my shell top. I am really enjoying knitting this in the round instead of back and forth.

Drop by tomorrow for another, hopefully, knit guest.


Anonymous said…
You must take a photo at Borders since Group meets there. Botanic Garden also comes to mind along with one at the hospital where you work. Also one at your vets is another possibility and, how about one in the hosiery dept. of a dept. store so people can see what a really good sock looks like. My mind is racing here !!
Anonymous said…
Tell Diana she's not fat at all! And those are pretty colours for your tank. I think I will have to visit regularly and see the neighbourhood being introduced on your blog :) This is so much fun.
Karen said…
I agree with Erin, Diana is not at all fat!!! Tell her your readers think she looks terrific. These pictures are so much fun!
Birdsong said…
A very funny feature!

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