This is a ground hog, sort of

This is a hog on the ground. Happy Groundhog Day to all. Whether or not the critters see their shadows tomorrow, this is know:

There will be 6 more weeks of hats, mittens, socks and gloves, fingerless and fingerfull. The wind blows off Lake Michigan forever in our part of town and while those a bit west of us meet spring earlier, we need the warmth of wools for the better part of the year here. We can change to spring colors with the rest of you, but longsleeves are a must for me well into May. Sleeves require seaming, which leads me to this:

I heard today that 70% of people have broken their New years Resolution by Feb 1 each year. I have until the end of the year to knit something with I am still in. How are you doing with your resolutions?


Bernadette said…
What a cute lil guy!

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