Super Sleuth blogger kathy b

This is the quickest photo blogger could take of the Schaefer yarn sweater Al made. See the picot edge. (again, a statement) Boy did that soften up the look of this great handknit. Sometimes the blogger must risk the rage of the photographed in order to get the shot. Sometimes the blogger just has to get the shot even if she knows it will upset the subject. Why? Because the blogger is committed to providing photos on the blog. She doesn't really even read many blogs without images. She doesn't like the link system. She's very visual.

If the blogger were truly good at cyberworld, she would have colored the other half of the sweater in crayonlike fashion with a handpaint program to be funny and complete the look. The blogger is not good at cyberworld...yet.

The blogger has been capturing images in advance for the blog. Her prized digital camera is going to the Grand Canyon and the Cub opener in Mesa without her. Its not the camera's fault that they blogger won't fly. So the blogger has been taking shots that will be part of the next posts. Somethings just cannot always be in real time. Sometimes the post images cannot always be about yarns....
but the blogger will connect the photo to the knitting world......within seven degrees of separation.


Anonymous said…
Well, I suppose if I were the photographed, and the blogger only got a butt-shot, I'd hide from the blogger's camera, too! Pretty sweater, what I can see of it!
Pat K said…
You know, sometimes action shots are the best, even if it's someone trying to get away. Hope the camera has a nice trip (and everyone else, too).
Birdsong said…
The ruffled edge is such a great touch! Thanks for risking life and limb to share it with us.

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