The Needle Fairy.....

Looks like the Needle fairy was visiting my house! She's easy to catch when she leaves tracks in the snow...Maybe she knows I am using a broken bryson flex needle as a cable needle for my mom's scarf....
Alyssa at our knit group "GROUP" had already made the reversible cable scarf for her mom. She had some very helpful hints, such as.....Rip it out and start over.
By casting on a few less stitches the width is more, well, lady like and it goes faster too! I have finally memorized the pattern and it is at the relaxing knitting stage.
I'll show some photos of it later.
Lynn, irisheyesknitter, asks if Malabrigo is sold at 3 Bags Full in Northbrook. Why yes it is :) Al is working there today and I am going to visit her. I've been on the yarn diet awhile now and am looking forward to making a wish list.
Happy December.