Rock a Bye buttons

See? The buttons are on. Plenty of time. Shower is about 15 hours from now. :)
Deb, my sister, gave us a button lesson today. Something about a shank and a toothpick and a counterclockwise wind. I think I've got it. It was a lesson, however, during my normal nap time, otherwise I would have taken photos and given a tutorial.
So the shower is tomorrow, and I wish I could knit during the event. Isn't that awful? It would blow my cover as a functional knit-a-holic. This is Susie's term at 3 Bags Full for those of us whose families know how bad its gotten, but to the rest of society we function pretty normally.
I hope there are other handknitted/crocheted gifts. I will bring my camera along. You can never had too much blogging material. I do try to keep both writer and reader amused.