Al's koigu shawl

Al made this shawl a year or so ago. There is one little part at the top that curls a certain little way that makes her not love it. I love it. My friend Diane was making the same shawl for her daughter at the same time. She made it in a red/rust shade and it too was beautiful.

I am bored bored bored with the baby blanket again. This time a simple rectangle shape with the same yarn. When I am knitting it, my mind wanders to socks, and sweaters....Im tired of stash knitting.

Are you bored bored bored too now? Yawn. Its too early....


Chicago Jen said…
OMG, sooo bored. I finally finished the SOCKS that I've been working on for a month and I'm starting the new socks for DH. But I seem to have COD (Casting-On Disease). It attacks me at inopportune moments when all I can do is cast on a new project. It's the feeling of potential and new creations and possibilities that gets me. Tired of stash knitting but I have sucha beautiful stash that I've gotta work with it... :)

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