Shape your Bootie...sorry I had to

Here is Bobby's shop in Boulder Junction Wisconsin. Cute sign I thought.

Jen at 3 Bags Full taught a great baby bootie class last Friday. Except she burst out laughing everytime she called it Bootie class. She focused on embellishments and how to vary the basic pattern she provided. One bootie done.......Knitting the second.

Countdown to Stitches Midwest for the Irisheyesknitters. We don't have time to get together often enough. I'm dragging them all down River Road to the Paradise Pup in Des Plaines. Incredible burgers with Merktz cheese melted over top. Its a many napkin meal. If you go, you'll love it. Just remember only about 5 people can be inside the PUP at once. Outside seating is limited but available. MMMMMMMMMM.


Anonymous said…
It was great meeting you at knitting group yesterday. I finished my project last night when I get home!

Never been to the Paradise Pup, but sounds good. Gotta love Merktz cheese.

Have fun at Stitches tomorrow. I'll probably run into you. Stop me & say "hi" if you see me!
Anonymous said…
OK... I usually proofread my comments, but somehow I had a brainfade when I typed & posted the above. [embarassed]

It's the heat... I blame the heat.

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