New Knit group in town

Well, it is not a knitting picture, but since we are in the middle of a drought here in Chicago I thought I'd share a waterfall photo. This photo was taken on one of the more memorabile parts of our summer trip last year. Al and I will be vacationing soon, so I'll hope to bring some fun knitting photos back from Northern Wisconsin.

Last night Al and I went to the local Borders bookstore, prompted by a sign in our LYS for a knitting group. I was wishing for just this sort of thing last week, but too tired to be the organizer. Ahhhhh serendipity. 5 of us showed up, NONE of which was the organizer. The second most common demoninator was golden retrievers. I'll go again in 2 weeks. It was nice to knit and not have to answer the phone, look for an item someone had lost and needed to recover asap, or answer the doorbell.

Second fingerless glove is up to the thumb. I embellished the other and I think you'll like it. It just gets funkier and cuter......


Irisheyes Lynn said…
Knitting group sounds fun. How often are you going to meet?
Alyssa said…
Hi, I know the organizer mentioned on knitter's review that she wouldn't be able to make it (last minute work plans) and I was just getting into town from my vacation, but I'll definitely try to be there next time -- the 26th right? Looking forward to meeting you:)
Chicago Jen said…
Had fun tonight though!! Sorry to miss the first one.

Your local Knit Group Organizer,
Jen in Chicago :)

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