Burning the midnite oil. I have been up late this week, well late for me, knitting. Its the only bearable time of day to be out on my screened porch. I've started a new project! (I know I said I would work on the shawl, but its too dull to work on for more than a few rows at a time.) I'll surprise you tomorrow and let you know what it is. It has to do with JULY. Something traditional one does around this time. Can you make a guess? Go ahead. Whats my project? Of course there is a prize up for grabs. I'll make it a prize r/t the theme of this July project...........go ahead, guess. And let the fireworks begin. Hee hee. THat was a little misleading.
I miss Jan my best knitting teacher.


Irisheyes Lynn said…
Are you knitting a flag? For 4th of July?
Irisheyes Lynn said…
A bikini?
Irisheyes Lynn said…
A picnic basket?

OK, I'm done now.
kathy b said…
Thanks for the guesses, AL and Lynn. THey are all wrong! Im letting Lynn post today, so there is still time left for a guess.

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