My sister can have the baby now. I sent this little seamless yoked sweater to PA yesterday. I enjoyed knitting it. No seams no stress. I used Manos Cotton Stria, a pure Peruvian Cotton Kettle Dye. Al choose the yarn. We also sent the little purple Ugg booties al made this winter. Hurry up babygirl! Posted by Hello


. said…
That's a very cute sweater! You did a good job on it :)
. said…
By the way, where did you get the pattern for the baby uggs?
Irisheyes Lynn said…
Kath, it's beautiful! And you did it so fast!
Anonymous said…
Yowzah. SO cute. SOOOO cute. Well done. Your other posts make me so homesick for Chicago. Wah. That picture of the flowers is to die for. I so remember spring when I was growing. All 2 days of it. You caught it.

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