Al's lace shell. I think this one fits her, she hasnt offered it to me! Nor should she, she looks great in it. I dared Lynn not to read any blogs or email on her Nashville trip this weekend. Can she? My last email from her stated she had 3! yarn stores to check out in Nashville. I really hope she got to meet Pam Butler of Angelhairyarns. I Have decided to run an irisiheyes contest. Since Worldwide Knit in Public Day is June 11th, I will offer a prize to the best KIP on June 11th photo sent to THe prizes will be announced this week, to motivate you lurkers out there! You must be knitting on June 11th , in public , of course to enter.  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said…
Hi Kathy -- your KIP contest sounds like a fun idea! It's on my calendar -- now I just need to think of a cleaver public spot to knit....
Anonymous said…
That is a lovely shell..nicely done! And what a generous thought for you to donate to such a worthy cause! I'll try to remember to send in my photo!

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