Happy Happy Happy, I win!

Nothing like winning some yarn to make my day! Hooray. Check out yesterday's MajorKnitter blog. Thanks Jen.

Tomorrow, Irisheyesknitters will be off to a knitover in Lake Geneva. Hoping to post photos when we return. (on my own!) Lynn is planning to try to teach me the fine art of photo posting. I just have this major language barrier with all things computer. Wish me luck. Wish Lynn luck.

I'll be working on my sockapalooza pal's socks and second Knitting Pure and Simple sweater. Im using Online yarn and planning to try to add some garter bands for interest at the cuffs. I'm not sure how this will work out, because I am planning to use Fixation black for the bands...
In theory, Al tells me, if they knit up at the same guage, it might work. She's a tad concerned about the elasticity of Fixation. We'll see!

Thanks to my supersecret Sockapalooza pal for her comment. :)

Have a great weekend. I think that big football game might be on too.


Irisheyes Lynn said…
Congratulations, Kath! Great name for the contest. See you tomorrow!
Jennifer said…
no... THANK YOU. That name you came up with was so creative - Saturday kNit Live (SNL)! Everyone loves it. I hope you'll be in Westport someday so you can join us in person. I hope you like your package. I put in a little something extra.

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