Knitting in Public (Part 2)

Last night I was knitting (on a sock, of course) waiting for the high school band concert to start. The lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder to see what I was working on. She was a knitter too! She was making a poncho for her mother for Christmas. Knitting in public is everywhere at this time of year. We were both knitting happily away until they turned the lights down for the concert to start. I tried to continue knitting my heel flap, but I dropped a stitch, and thought I'd better stop. Today I will be knitting in public at the hair salon!


kathy b said…
I think that the little blueblend socks might be my favorite of the bunch. Were they all from Lorna's Lace? The Christmas socks are darling. Did you do the cuff differently on the little blueblend?

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