Finally a Pattern I Trust

My sweater is getting there.......I am a superstitious knitter. I won't jinx it by saying it's nearly done.....I am not sure if this is an Irish or Hungarian trait. You be the judge!

I have to say how relaxing it has been to trust a new pattern. I am so thankful to Diane @
Knitting Pure and Simple. The Neckdown pullover removes me from all the stress I feel with finishing work. I am normally tense at this point, wondering if all the work will pay off or if I will end up with the dreaded homemade look due to a finishing nightmare. I will most definitely purchase other patterns written by this woman.

My sister's gift triangle scarf is very close. Photo soon. I have to love someone an awful lot to bother with seed stitch for an entire project. I despise having to rib, what on earth was I thinking with this........????

Al is designing her own baby blanket for our neighbor's baby due in Jan. She's using Berroco Pleasure; a heavenly angora, merino and nylon yarn. So soft.

Troys second sock isnt even on the needles yet.......

Photos later of Al's baby blanket and some darling hats donated by an elf at 3 Bags Full who Knits for babies in Intensive Care....


Irisheyes Lynn said…
We need to see the sweater progress! Send me a picture!

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