Lace class homework

I needed to do my lace homework right away so I wouldnt forget anything.....although Al caught on much faster than I, and could help me. (Her Fibertrends Landscape Shawl taught her a bit about lacework. )

Mistake for me to try to use size 2 Turbos with the funky purple practice yarn Jan so sweetly lent me. Its slippery yarn to begin with and stitches were sliding off every which way. Change to wooden 8s circulars, and you can see the results. The yarn is so pretty, but I didnt like working with it AT ALL.

Other WIPs include my shawl, patient and neglected, and Troys custom cheater socks. Will post that one soon.

Be still my heart, Zach wore his hat that his MOM made him to xcountry meet on chilly monday and it brought him good luck. Until the Yankees clinch, he'll be wearing his beloved Yankee cap Im sure.

Hey Maureen how is your beaded ruffle bottom sweater coming along? Id love to post a photo of it. Lynn, what number Christmas gift sock are you on now?



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