Monday Meme May 16th Have a Look See

Above: my Spud and Chloe leaf scarf progress.  
It is in Madelinetosh ASAP.
I LOVE this pattern. 

So todays Questions...Pencils Ready?

*Are you surprised I'm knitting lace with Big Yarn?

(I am. And I highly recommend it.  Whoa. Who knew you could actually see your stitches this way!")

*What's your favorite toe nail polish color for summer?
(I do not like frosts. I like Coralish reds)

*What do you do with an odd leftover knitted sock?
(I put a bar of soap in it and it keeps the soap together without  a sink mess) 

*Have you ever had lice?
(No. But poor Allison had a family in the ER with Lice and she came home and convinced herself she had them too. 
She didn't.  But oh the power of suggestion!)

*Have you ever had a Tic?
(Oh yes.  We used to hike around the woods in Minocqua and Boulder Junction Wisconsin and we got them. 
Big wood tics, but disgusting still!)

Are you afraid of needles? 
(ha.  Not at all. But I have many many nurse friends who are!)

Who are some of your favorite pattern makers?

(Knitting Pure and Simple, Cabin Fever Knits) 

Have a wonderful Monday and Meme along if you want!


Vera said…
*Are you surprised I'm knitting lace with Big Yarn?

I am! What size needles are you using?

*What's your favorite toe nail polish color for summer?

Definitely a coral color

*What do you do with an odd leftover knitted sock?

I don’t have a leftover knitted sock, but I like your idea.

*Have you ever had lice?

No, Thank God

*Have you ever had a Tic?

Yes – woke up with one in the corner of my eye once. That was AWFUL. And I worry about deer tics…

Are you afraid of needles?

Not really.

Who are some of your favorite pattern makers?

Shellie Anderson, Heidi Alander

Love your memes Kathy!
Anonymous said…
1. I think once one gives lace a go and gets into "the zone," it's all good.
2. I used to get pedis every 2-3 weeks in the city. Now I give myself my own pedi but don't polish my toes. I kind of want to, maybe a nude with some polka dots.
3. I haven't knitted many pairs of socks but I'm planning to swap with a knitting friend soon and then want to use the rest for a Cozy Memories blanket.
4. *knocks on wood* Heck no; no lice pls.
5. No ticks; we haven't hiked in any of those kinds of places.
6. No, not afraid of needles but I can't watch when I get my shot.
7. Favorite designers: Susan B. Anderson, Cookie A, Queena Lee, Rachel Coopley
Anonymous said…
Answered on my blog.
Caffeine Girl said…
I am buried in paperwork this week, but I wanted to share some of my favorite designers:

Kristin Kapur
Tin Can Knits
Martina Behm
Helen Steward
Katherine said…
I love your scarf in BIG yarn with beautiful stitch definition!
Nail polish: always bright red, both nails and toes.
Head lice: I had head lice at the age of 12 along with everyone in my class, but amazingly our kids never had the little critters.
Ticks: Two of our boys each had a tick during a camping trip in Colorado. We were afraid that they would make the boys sick but they were okay--just horrified that the little blood sucker was stuck on them.
Needles: They don't bother me but my poor little granddaughter is terrified of needles. I wish I could help her get over it somehow!
Knitting patterns: My favorite patterns are Garn Studio Drops Design patterns. Free and beautiful just the way I like them.
Araignee said…
1. No. Lace on big yarn is not only cool looking, it's very trendy right now.
2. Something fun-purple or blue with lots of sparkles.
3. Don't have any.
4. Sure have. I was a teacher. I had lice and ringworm all the time.
5. All the time. Got one off The Mister today. Once I had about 50 deer tick on me at one time. I picked them off for days. No lyme though. I have no idea why not.
6. Yep. I hate shots or giving blood. I am a HUGE sissy.
7. Hmmm....I jump around too much to have a favorite. I like to give everyone a try.
sam said…
Thank you for visiting my blog :)

1. Are you surprised I'm knitting lace with Big Yarn? I'm new here, but very happy to be here
2. What's your favorite toe nail polish color for summer? Bright red.
3. What do you do with an odd leftover knitted sock? Hmm, I don't think I have any of those, yet.
4. Have you ever had lice? Nope, thankfully.
5. Have you ever had a Tic? Nope, and thankful for that too.
6. Are you afraid of needles? I knit, I stitch... I love needles :) (Yeah, I wont give up my day job!) But no, I am ok with needles.
7. Who are some of your favorite pattern makers? Heidi Kirrmaier, Kim Hargreaves
1. No I love that look.
2. red
3. I fill them with catnip for Lilly Bean.
4. No Thank goodness!
5. Yes! I use to live in the woods in the middle of no where....I was treated for Lyme desease twice!
6. If we're talking knitting needles...No. But I'm not fond of the kind that poke you.
7, I really don't have a favorite
Betsy said…
1. Not really. Lace is pretty with any yarn.
2. Deep burgundy red. I do them myself because I'm cheap! Ha!
3. Don't know. I usually make them and give them away so no leftovers here.
4. No, but my daughter got them from her locker mate in 5th grade. I called the county extension office and told them what I had done to get rid of them and to clean the house and to find out what else I should do, because I was so disgusted with them. Just thinking about it makes me itch! The man told me nothing could still be alive in my house with the cleaning I had done. Thank goodness.
5. Yes. When I was a small girl in Nebraska I usually ended up with at least one in my hair every year. The ticks loved the cottonwood trees by the Platte River.
6. Nope. Good thing too with the last year and medical "stuff" I've had.
7. No favorites. I'm an "equal opportunity" knitter. :-)

I like big yarn and hooks so I can actually see what I'm doing. The same with cross-stitch -- big aida cloth with a darning needle and cotton yarn is the way I roll now. :) Coralish red for summer -- yes. Sporting some right now. Found a tic on my boob once. Yikes! Both my boys had lice which resulted in heads being shaved. It took forever to get rid of the lice on my youngest son because his hair was soooooo thick. I lost count of how many times I washed his bedding. The only needle I prefer to come in contact with is that big darning needle I mentioned for cross-stitch. :)
Teresa Kasner said…
*Are you surprised I'm knitting lace with Big Yarn? I'M NOT SURPRISED YOU ARE KNITTING ANYTHING.. YOU'RE A KNITTING MACHINE! :-)

*What's your favorite toe nail polish color for summer? I RARELY HAVE PAINTED TOES.

*What do you do with an odd leftover knitted sock? DON'T HAVE ANY.




*Knitting: SORRY, NO ANSWER.
KSD said…
I'm not surprised at all! Great improvisation!
Fun to read your answers! Here are mine.

No, not surprised at all, have fun!

Red! Bright bright red!

Give it to my husband to use in the garage to polish his car - they are great for that apparently.



I am so glad these were both No!

A bit - just the normal amount though.

You know I don't knit, but for crochet I love the look of Cherry Heart's patterns - and dare I say mine! Eeeek, that sounds too terrible doesn't it!

Thank you for the fun questions!
Linda said…
I have had ticks on me over the years. The worse was the little tiny one I had on me a few years ago - the one that gave me Lyme's disease! It was a horrible period of my life and I still have problems to this day. The only thing good out of it - I lost 25 pounds!

Linda in VA
HonorĂ© said…
Great idea for using a single sock and i usually go for natural toenails...which reminds me: make an appointment for a mani/pedi. Nope, never had lice or ticks, thank goodness and I close my eyes when pricked by a needle...

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