Knit Language

Sometimes when I see little things like this coffee mat, I wish I knew how to sew. Isn't it sweet?  I know some of you are looking for ways to use your scraps; does this help?  
I love this. I'm going to go over the Etsy and see if I can find some. 

knitting pure and simple side to side pullover
I'm thinking about this side to side pullover.  I love Knitting Pure and Simple patterns. They are so well written.  Hmmmmmm.
I just may have to consider this next. 

Thank you for all the favorite pattern Ideas. 

I looked for each and every pattern that you suggested.

I had to google Pimpliesse .  

It's a skin condition as well as a pattern….

 Last night friend Karen was ON the Porch with me knitting, 

and Al was texting us.  Al and Karen are great knitters. 

I simply texted their conversation back and forth. 

Al needed help / suggestions for her Knitting Fever top. 

Half the time I wasn't even sure what they were talking about. 

I'm sure the satellites involved were confused too.

We do speak our own language don't we?

Slip slip knit

Yarn Over

Cable back


Argh!  I dropped a stitch!   


Anonymous said…
Tink and frog ....I'm sure people wonder just what we are talking about! LOL But, we KNITTERS know.

The mug mat is BEAUTIFUL! Yes, stuff like that does make we wish I knew how to sew.

I've tried sewing. I just don't enjoy it. To each his own, I guess.
Unknown said…
Say, I really like that coffee cup mat too! Wouldn't a set of those be great for getting the girls together for coffee and knitting???

The side-to-side shell looks like it would be an easy pattern to follow...and it's cute!
Coffee mats. Hmmm... what a great idea. Those would work so much better with coffee mugs seeing as they don't really fit into a saucer. I agree also about knitting pure (& simple). It has more of a classic look. Great top and color.
elns said…
The knitting language is a funny one. I love it. I love the idea of you being a knitting conversationalist transcriber on the front porch. hehe. I can't sew either, but love the work of others.
Nancy said…
The mug mat is darling. The hexie flower must be tiny.

Add "graft" and "stitches" and non-knitter must think we are surgeons!
Linda said…
Oh you knitters do have your own language!
Love the Iris in your header...
Thanks for always leaving such lovely comments Kathy...
Much appreciated...
Linda :o)
Lynn said…
Love that little mug rug! I have plans to make one. Eventually. Yours is just adorable!

Yes you can just see NSA agents trying to decipher what on EARTH we are talking abt! But you know there's gotta be ONE older head honcho who has a family member who knits and passes on that info.
Meredith said…
I love that pattern, and yes we do speak our own language. How fun to sit on a porch and knit with a friend.
Araignee said…
Oh my good golly!!!! That mug rug is right up Daddio's alley. He just got home from rehab and is bored out of his mind so this is just perfect. It's not to early to start Christmas gifts!
SissySees said…
I love it. Sewing classes are on my post-president bucket list, but...
Annie Cholewa said…
Funnily enough some friends and I were talking about 'knitter speak' just yesterday. Put a bunch of knitters together and they can sound like they are speaking in another tongue, which in a way I guess they are.
Judy S. said…
Cute mug mat. Hope you found one! Once I read of a reading workshop where "knit speak" was used to show what it's like not to be able to read and understand...... Did you decide to knit the sweater?

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