A really fun Swap. C'mon and sign up!

AS OF January 9th, 2011 THIS SWAP IS CLOSED. THE RESPONSE WAS WONDERFUL. IF YOU MISSED OUT THIS TIME.....hang on until the next or check for other swaps of this sort on Ravelry!

Here is the second Pair of felted booties from Warm Woolies Pattern . They are for my one year old great neice. I cast on 32 stitches to make them big enough. Felting fun fun fun

Okay here is the swap deal. It is a Take and Replace Swap . I start to box with about a dozen items in it. It goes to the next
swapper, who can take any of it as long as she replaces one item for another. If the item is yarn, you don't have to replace it with
yarn but it would be nice if the majority of the items are knit related. You can send a picture of what you took out! but you cannot tell what you put in. I' d like 10 0r so takers. Emily of Yarn Miracle is in! Are you???????

I talk more in the comments!


Sarah said…
I am in!

shinz3 at cox dot net
Bianca said…
Indeed a fun idea :-) We just finished a traveling box swap here in The Netherlands.
I am not playing along in this one though... One reason that is killing the fun is the fact that packages are traveling way too long to get to the US.
Grace said…
of course you had me at SWAP
Unknown said…
I would love to participate.
Karen said…
I'd enjoy playing along!

karen dot hickland at gmail dot com
Jenipurr said…
Oh, this sounds like fun!

jenipurr at gmail dot com
Karen said…
Yes, please!

kjmbaker at gmail dot com
Jenn said…
I'd love to. Do you need a blog. I can always start one ;-)
Ann said…
Count me in, sounds like fun!
Anonymous said…
May I join in as well? I heard about it from Emily.
mitorocks at juno dot com
Unknown said…
Thanks for your wonderful gratitude filled comment on my blog!
kathy b said…
I am delighted that so many want to participate in the swap. Everyone who has asked can join in. I will need you all to send me your email so I can write to you for your snail mail address. I think I'll send the package in closest distance to one another, so the mailing will stay light. We'll use a prepaid box so we all will spend the same amount no matter the weight.
RC said…
ooohh found you via Emily! sounds like the perfect swap, I'm in.

cbast25 at yahoo dot com
rabiesonmyshoe on raverly
Anonymous said…
I would love to join in but I don't have a blog. Can i still partipate?
Alyssa said…
I'm in! I live in the US, I don't know if that would ruin anyone's fun :(
Cathy B said…
If it's not too late to join, count me in!
Cathy B said…
Forgot to leave contact info

oldjunebug at yahoo dot com
Dorothy said…
This sounds like a lot of fun! If you're still accepting people, I'm in!

dorriejean18 AT juno DOT com
I'd love to throw my hat in also!!! lesleyd at Gmail dot com
SissySees said…
What a great idea! I'm afraid that the chaos that is my life this month - okay, thru Feburary 19th - makes even this fun idea overwhelming though. Maybe next time...
Kim said…

Katherine said…
I'm in if it's not too late.
kathy b said…
Delighted you all want to swap! Im closing it as of this comment. So Katherine you were last to ask, and you are last in!

I'll send everyone an email soon. I plan to get the box out tomorrow!! Im so excited about the contents and the plan

I know you will all be fair and sweet. Pretend friends, just are....
What snuggly booties ~ I love the earlier ones too with the red flower accent! I admire people who take charge and organize things ~ have fun with your swap :)
Jennifer said…
Count me in. This sounds fun!
joan said…
what a fantastic idea. I want to play this one big time. I have a lot of cool stuff someone just might want. I love this idea.
kathy b said…

The swap is closed. Maybe next time okay?????

kathy b
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