We have a spring yarn contest winner........

The winner is......Kim, from knitswithasilentk.blogspot.com. Congratulations Kim.
Thank you to all of you who entered. Contests are fun! Your STR Jewel of the Nile will be on the way as soon as you send me your snail mail address. :)

The beautiful baby hats were donated to the ISCU by Margot from Winnetka. We appreciate all donations. These springy beauties will make some families very happy. What a lovely thing to do, Margot.

I am ready to have a few projects going at once.......The original plans for the wrap are history. I am working on something else with the Claudia handpaints....stay tuned.

I still have some baby socks going.

What will the other project be??????????????????????

What are YOU working on?


Irisheyes Lynn said…
Boy, you posted that fast! The hats are even more beautiful in person. They will be great for the ISCU Spring Garden pictures! Thanks for meeting me at 3 Bags.
Karen said…
congrats Kim!! Those hats are adorable!! Well, since I finished 2 pair of socks this month and I have empty needles and you asked...I have started 4 more pair of socks. Some lime green "Retro Ribs" for my daughter, some secret ones for my sister, a pair of plain Opal Elements for me, and a pair in Knit Picks Essential "Mock Wave Cables" for me also. A girl has to have goals and socks!
Kim said…
I'm so excited I won! I don't live near any LYSs which carry STR, so this is very special for me.

Thos are the cutest hats ever!
Anonymous said…
Yeah For Kim! I love the picture of that box of baby hats.

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