Spring Contest : Prize Socks That Rock Yarn

Time for a contest. Irisheyes Lynn, Kathy and Al took a fieldtrip today. We picked a Socks That Rock skein as the prize. Jewel of the Nile it is named. All you have to do to enter to win this lovely sock yarn............leave us a comment about a sign of spring. I'm coming up to our 600th post and it could co-incide with March 20th, the first day of spring. The contest will end on March 20th.

Any sign will do. We are easy to amuse.

Now, about our fieldtrip. We went out to The Fold in Marengo Illinois. SOMEONE had already been there once (named Lynn). The three of us spent an hour and a half choosing yarns and patterns.

I have decided that too many STR's together make for staggering decision-making for me. Al chose a beauty: Lynn chose two beauties, one of which is County Clare. I chose mohair. Please do not ask why. Cotton candy pink Bluemoon Kidmo. You'll be hearing more about the wrap I'm going to make using it.

Then I almost choose a 30.00 skein of slippery gorgeous yarn to blend with the mohair until I detected it chuckling behind my back. This stuff was destined to make me cry in the winding process. I was assured by the proprietor that with patience and two people it COULD be wound.
I am too fresh from my last entanglement winding disaster.

I'm sure she thought I was nuts. I just couldn't take the risk. Nope. I left it right there in Marengo.......

and then we went to lunch at Culver's. Butter burger anyone?


Donna Boucher said…
Spring is the sunset waiting until after 6:00pm to set.
It is birds twittering in the trees.
It is time for a trip to Paris....for Spring Break!

Anonymous said…
Spring is the time ti get the unfinished from last year white shawl out of the closet in order to finish and wear it this year.

It is also nw time to ckean the dog run more often since there is no snow to hide anything.
monica said…
Spring is when I notice the weeds popping up in my flower beds... arghh. And with the milder than normal winters we have been having, they never seem to die. The robins have made an appearance and the crocus are blooming. And my youngest thinks it is warm enough to go out and play in shorts and a tank top :) And it is actually light out when the kids get on the bus now.
Karen said…
Spring. My favorite time of year! Rebirth, renewal...sneezing. My daffodils are up and the Magnolia is budding as well as the Bradford Pear's. Did I mention...sneezing!
Kim said…
It seems everyone is ready for spring. Where I live in CA, we have had daffodils for about a month now. A few years ago, we had daffodils on New Year's day. But it does feel like we're out of our 50s degrees weather and back to our normal 70s. =)
Suburban prep said…
A bit of a hike for you to go to Marengo. I have only seen them when I have gone to Stitches Midwest.
Anonymous said…
I know it's getting close to spring when my husband starts sitting on the front steps watching the "girls" jog by. The girls are a group of "seniors" that jog with their dogs. Not sure if it's the girls or the dogs he's watching.
Anonymous said…
I guess the first sign of spring around our house is the mass of crocus popping through the ground, soon to be followed by the daffodils. The grass starts greening up and the buds on all the flowering trees start to show. Ah, spring is my favorite time of the year.
AsKatKnits said…
This year in Western Michigan I would have to say that the sign of spring that I am longing for is snow that melts and does not come back!!
Anonymous said…
Spring is when I get unreasonably gleeful that it's still light outside at 5:30 (and forget to make dinner on time!)

ikkinlala said…
Spring is asparagus and rhubarb. But the first sign of spring, before the snow is even melted, is usually the pussy willows.
Karen said…
Hmmm, the first sign of spring would have to be me finishing a heavy wool sweater - just in time for the weather to turn too warm to wear it!! LOL
Webbies said…
Ooooh, I am such a wrap fiend, I can't wait to see what you are going to work on!

This is a personal sign of Spring (since my husband is a huge mountain biker). Here in Iowa we get ALL of the 4 seasons and Spring to me is when he comes home from a training ride with mud splattered everywhere....from all of over his bike, jersey, to in his ears! And you know what? It started today! hehe
Betty said…
A sign of Spring is starting spring knits with cotton blend yarns. :)
Anonymous said…
Two things in our house are sure signs of spring. The first is sneezing: the arrival of pollen allergies!! The second is crankiness that comes from being overtired when the clock is turned ahead. Yawn.
~Kristie said…
The first sign of spring for me is when I see the buds on my tree and I think, oh crap, I've gotta get in shape for bathing suit season.
agne said…
THe first sign of spring is when the cute little neighbor girl comes knocking on my door to tell me that the Girl Scout cookies are in!
Jillio said…
wow...spring. my first thoughts regarding spring stem from college - in particular, my university's annual luau. on the second saturday in april, my university has its annual luau. approximately mid-march was when we hankered down with the luau preparations. the luau is entirely student-powered, so dance rehearsals would move from once a week to twice, and we'd do more pre-shows during the weekends throughout community establishments in the neighborhood to advertise the upcoming luau. costumes and stage props would be at the ready and the air was filled with the music of home. it was really great to go to retirement homes dressed in our colorful luau garb and perform hulas and polynesian dances for the old people. i'd like to say that's when the school really started coming alive since 20% of the kids going there were from hawaii, but really, it just coincided a lot with the changing of the seasons; the daffodil bulbs planted earlier in the winter would blossom something fierce and the landscapers added more spring blooms to color the campus. luau was the big campus event for spring, and whenever i think of how the backdrop of campus changed as luau approached, the two memories became synonymous.
Annie said…
I know spring has truly sprung when the forsythia blooms and the twisty country roads of Connecticut are lined with unruly tangled masses of yellow
monica said…
OK I have been thinking about this since I read your post. What is a Butter Burger?
AmyArtisan said…
A sure sign of spring - Dora the dove building up her nest above my back door - each time I come in the house I see more twigs & whatnot up there. This will be my 4th spring in the house & fourth bunch of baby birdies. Such an unexpected treat in the hustle & bustle of Chicago city life. :)
Knitstress Mary said…
Sign of spring, I look for the first robin. I caught the first one on the fence outside my bedroom window, just looking in, saying something like, hey, it's spring time to clean up the yard, get read for the hot summer. Did you plant any seeds for me??? Being in Texas another sign of spring are fields covered in a sea of blue, blooming blue bonnets. Last year because of the drought they were tiny, and very few. This year there's hope, I have already seen the green stalks and leaves. We have a contest in our family the first person that spots a blue bonnet blooming will be lucky. But even if I don't spot the first one, I am lucky because I am married to a wonderful man. Spring is my time of year. My season. Having my birthday on May 6th is probably part of it too.
KT said…
Spring is when the dust storms come to Cairo. Unlike the rest of the world, where spring heralds fresh air and the general sprightliness of Mother Nature, Cairo's spring tempts you with sunny days in the 70s and enough sand/dust/pollution in the air to make you (and your roommate with severe allergies) want to crawl right back into bed.

But, in D.C., my favorite sign of spring is the flashes of green as the crocuses start to come up and then the tenacious little spots of purple and white and yellow as they bloom.
Melissa said…
The first sign of spring around here is the blooming of the Bradford pear trees. They are sooo gorgeous and put out the most beautiful white blooms.
KeanaLee said…
You know what they say about spring
"in like a lion, out like a lamb"
Nancy said…
I know Spring is here when the Mallard family arrives from their Winter vacation. Mallory (lady duck) walks around the edge of the property looking for a place to nest. While she's walking, straight and purposefully, Malachi (male duck) quacks and walks zig-zaggily behind her. I'm pretty sure he's saying, "C'mon! Just pick a place and lay the &*#$ eggs already!" And she always ends up nesting in the bushes under my front window. Quack!
Anonymous said…
Spring is being able to finally pull out the stakes to mark the driveway for the snowplow, (even though they've been hit a few times and aren't tall enough to be seen anymore!)
Phoebe said…
Hmmm sing of spring in Florida is a bit hard to pinpoint...I'd say that it would be after the last cold snap...we got down to 48 last night. But when I lived in NY, it would be when the forsithias (sp?) started to bloom.
Anonymous said…
Sign of spring? The fact that my thighs jiggle, and my last summers tan has faded to deathly just about when the new bathing suits hit the department stores.
Oh, and of course, the birdsongs each morning before dawn.
Betsy said…
To quote a song from a favorite movie, "Ma Nature's lyrical with her yearly miracle, sping, spring, spring". Spring is the sound of a baseball being hit by a metal bat and caught by a leather glove.
(The movie=Seven Brides for Seven Brothers)
diandra said…
here in prince george everyone is pretty depressed all winter. it's an october/november to march affair adn everyone just looks so sullen and lethargic. a sign of spring is when people start smiling and even just looking relieved that the six months of spring/summer are here.

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