Jefferson Sheep and Wool Festival…Tons of Pictures

 I think Border Collies are amazing.
At the Wool Festival in Jefferson Wisconsin today, they were up against the elements.
They are not thrilled when they are waiting their turn to work….but they are obedient.  
The field was full of tall clover, the wind was the wrong direction, and the dogs couldn't hear the whistles or see the sheep much of the time.  Nonetheless, we watched them compete for their 9 minutes and we were fascinated again.  
I love this breed, but I could NEVER keep one happy.
(Chance..from Farsideoffiftyfame….I love your thoughtful posts) 
 This border puppy is blind in one eye.  You know I wanted him. Even a border with just one eye will do more work than ten other dogs in their lifetime.  
I wanted some border collies…
maybe some old ones...

If you love dogs and you love sheep, well you ought to watch them  if you get the opportunity, or else watch Babe. 

In one of the Fair barns, little lambs had just been born.
This one was meconium stained.  The farmer "pulled" it because the momma was distressed.  He said it would turn white in a few days.  Ewe.  Pun intended.  You mean it won't get a bath? 
Meconium stained babies sure get a  bath…
I would have given it a bath..

 Just for us, the interested public, they try to time the breeding so a few sheep deliver during the fair.  Really.  Thank you. 
These are 3 of 4 quadruplets born a day ago. 
One lady who spoke like she knew, said they are light as a feather and fluffy. 
The Agra guy said they weight about 11 lbs. 
 I romanticize things.  Farming for instance. 
I quickly thought I wanted a few lambs for my border collies.

Reality set in.
In the yarn barn there were …
bunnies for sale. 
This darling fluffy bun was about 60 dollars.
I thought about combing it and learning to spin.
I hear they poop …a  lot.
Maybe next year.  
When I retire. 
I'll get two bunnies and comb them.

Inside the fiber barns, rovings were for sale,
yarns were for sale, and soaps and lotions were for sale. 
When I said I didn't' spin, one lady said she'd spin anything of my choice for 8 dollars an ounce.  
Seemed fair but I just enjoyed watching her spin.  
 Fireman was my willing chauffeur and he had an elephant ear for a treat.  I had ONE bite of it and I closed my eyes it was so good. 
We only decided last night to head up to the Festival. 
I'm so glad we did. 
I bought some yarn for a project that Kim of 
Handeyecrafts tipped me to:
the Hooded scarf.
If I showed it to you now, I'd have nothing to show you tomorrow!

 The ride home was visually sweet the whole way.
While the skies at home were stormy we had a lovely backdrop to the country roads.
 I romanticize farm living….

No Border collies
no lambs,
no bunnies came home with me
Just Fireman and some yarn
and well,
that'll do me, 
that'll do...


Anonymous said…
Poor lambie baby. I would have bathed him too. Unless maybe that would stress it to much.

Looks like it was a grand day out.
Donna Boucher said…
Hi!! So close!! I've been to that festival! I loved the dogs best too :) glad you had fun!!
knitterbeader said…
Loved your pictures of the lambs, dogs and country buildings!!!!
Araignee said…
What a great day!!!!
We had a border collie named Ned and he was a treat. He spent all day herding the kids around and quite honestly, he was smarter than they were. He was a quite a guy. We didn't replace him because we knew without little kids we couldn't keep one busy enough. We still love watching them in action at festivals but have also given up our idea of a little farm. Just keeping up with one little pup and a handful of kitties is too much for us old retired folks these days!
Mereknits said…
I think we all do that, romanticize living on a farm, in another country, in another era. I am glad you got your fix of border collies, lambs, and even a bite of something naughty. You have cats, yarn,wonderful friends, great kids, a perfect yarn store and of course Fireman.
Nancy said…
A perfect day! Border collies are amazing and truly must have a lot of distractions because they were born to work. Casey, Rowdy, and Gator were my nephew's border collies - all loving and attentive. They loved to work cattle and sheep and got bored easily if they didn't have anything to do.
KSD said…
I would rather watch Border Collies work live; "Babe" makes me cry.

Our darling Jessie was part Border Collie, and she was VERY smart. She also herded me, especially when I would bring her in after a walk. She'd cut behind me and not enter the house until she gotten me in.
Unknown said…
What a fun post. Love the animal pictures. Yeah, it's so easy to romanticize about having these animals and a lovely country lifestyle. I was emotionally with you all the way. But, I'm thinking it's best you just brought home the yarn (a great find, I'm sure!) and the Fireman.
Love the puppy pictures! If I didn't have Tux, who's terrified of dogs, I'd love to have a border collie. When we were kids we had a Border Collie/Shepherd - he was brilliant! Too smart for a dog!
Kat said…
I love that first puppy picture so much! So much expression from the dog and just beautifully framed!
Caffeine Girl said…
Next year we are having blogger meet up at the Festival! I was there on Saturday -- a result of working, of course. It was awesome this year, wasn't it? Beautiful weather. Great vendors. I love dit.
karen said…
I love going to festivals and I love being out in the fresh air and I love buying yarn. You did all three!!! Yay! Looks like you had an awesome time :)
SissySees said…
I'm sure it's a lovely post, and I think I saw funnel cake, but I got so misty over the blind in one eye pup... I missed the rest for the blur!

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